03 September 2011

that time I breathed non-air-conditioned air

My roommates and I were getting cabin fever after spending too many nights in the hotel, so one night we picked up some picnic supplies and drove to a local park after work. 

Wine, cake pops, veggie chips and chocolate-covered pretzels for dinner. I see nothing wrong with this.

We timed it perfectly and took a hike after dinner just as the sun was setting.

(Like my leopard scarf? It was $10 at Forever 21. Best find ever - I think I've worn it 5 days in a row.)


Sometimes I forget how good it feels to get outside and breathe non-air-conditioned air. 


  1. You're super adorable, and these pictures are great! I love that scarf :)

  2. These photographs are gorgeous. Love the leopard scarf, what a catch!!

    Fashionable Collections Giveaway

  3. Great pics! Breathtaking! Love the scarf!! Too cute!

  4. Super cool pics. That looks like just the right thing to relax after an exhausting day, not?

    You three girls are totally pretty. :)

  5. Your scarf and that dinner are just perfect!
    This is my first visit to your blog - I'm off to look around some more. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  6. This sounds and looks quite nice.

  7. UMMMMMM. kombucha bubbly and a walk through those stunning hills? totally green with envy.

  8. wow - that is a beautiful location! And scarf! Do you take your pics with an SLR?

  9. Ellyse - yep! It's a Nikon D90 with a 35mm f/1.8 lens :)
