A few weeks ago my boyfriend and I went to LA, rented a Volkswagon bus and drove to Joshua Tree (and later, Palm Springs). I admit, I originally booked this trip solely because that bus is irresistibly cute and I had visions of driving it down the highway, windows down, wind blowing through my hair. Luckily, we discovered that roadtripping in a bus is the best thing ever and the trip didn't degenerate into some kind of National Lampoon fiasco.
why roadtripping in a bus is a fantastic idea:
1. nap time, any time. whereever you are, whatever time of day, you have a nap mobile at your disposal. simply fold down the back seat, close the bus curtains and have yourself a shut eye.
2. make friends while stuck in traffic. this bus was a QUITE the crowd pleaser. there were smiles, honks and buses of children waving at us.
3. panoramic views. there's something about that windshield that makes the view down the highway look like something out of a fancy coffee table book. renting this guy instead of a Civic made the trip about the journey, not the destination.
4. watch the sun rise from wherever you park. one of my favorite parts of the trip was waking up and looking out the rear window to see the sun rising over the Joshua Tree hills. I haven't seen the sun rise in years (mostly because I won't be able to afford a San Francisco apartment with views of the actual sky for a few more decades), but park this baby at a campsite and enjoy the sunrise from the comfort of your bed (ahem, sleeping bag).

answers to the questions that you probably have if you want to plan a trip like this:
- we rented our bus using this company (they were SO nice).
- if you fly into John Wayne Airport, the rental company will pick you up at the gate! (I don't know if I have ever been more excited than when I saw that little red bus for the first time! my heart rate was out of control.)
- the bus was an automatic transmission.- the rental rate varies, but it was definitely cheaper than renting a regular car, in addition to the fact that it was also our hotel for two nights.